Daily Use exhibition concentrates on various domestic methods of repurposing newspaper, which gives new functions to old newspapers as useful material. Objects have lives that can be extended in unexpected ways, exceeding their original functions. The king of versatility is undoubtedly the newspaper, whose capacity for repurpose and reinvention seems limitless.The exhibition explores some of the hundreds of alternative newspaper uses through photos, videos, and objects, thus reflecting on creativity, popular design, decline, everyday life, and sustainability. The exhibition is the result of a study conducted by the Cosas Maravillosas collective in Chile from 2017 to 2020 and aims to refresh our perspective on the world of everyday objects, questioning the roles of users and consumers in the context of the climate crisis, the continued digitalization of daily activities, and the decline of craftsmanship.
Visitors have the chance to assess whether and how Estonian and Chilean newspaper recycling practices differ from one another.
Curators: Tomás Errázuriz (Universidad Andrés Bello) and Ricardo Greene (Universidad San Sebastián) from Chile
The exhibition is open in the A-Lobby of the museum and is free of charge for all visitors.