Celebrate Finno-Ugric Year at the Estonian National Museum!
Tuesday, 26. jan 2021
In the lead-up to the world congress of Finno-Ugric peoples due to take place in Estonia later this year, the Estonian National Museum is already hosting – and will continue to host throughout the year – a variety of exhibitions and events. We are viewing 2021 as Finno-Ugric Year at the museum, one which will also see the publication of new books and the showcasing of those already on shelves. The list below will be added to on an ongoing basis.
- On 26 February weopened a photographic exhibition entitled ‘Peoples are Made of People’ in the museum’s gallery. Following its publication late last year, Indrek Jääts’ book of the same name will also be presented.
- In parallel with the world congress a number of new visiting exhibitions will be opened, focussing on such topics as expedition photography, ancient cliff art and Sami sculpture.
- The travelling exhibition ‘Timeshift’ devised by the Estonian National Museum is open at the Narva College of the University of Tartu.
- Still open is our internationally recognised permanent exhibition ‘Echo of the Urals’, which is enriched by a number of educational programmes designed for schools.
- The fairytale exhibition ‘Once upon a Time’ also provides an insight into Finno-Ugric fairytales.
- Issue 64 of the museum’s yearbook will be dedicated to all things Finno-Ugric and is due for publication at the end of the year.
- You might also want to keep an eye on the workshops we run, many of which will be linked to Finno-Ugric heritage.
- The museum offers a number of themed virtual tours as well.
The Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture for 2021 is also in Estonia: the town of Abja-Paluoja.
The World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples will be taking place from 16-18 June 2021. Its chief organiser is the NPO Fenno-Ugria Asutus.
Enjoy Finno-Ugric Year!