Finno-Ugrian Day at the Estonian National Museum
Wednesday, 16. oct 2019
Free entry!
On 19 October 2019, the Estonian National Museum will host a Finno-Ugrian Day.
The UN has declared 2019 the International Year of Indigenous Languages. Therefore, this year’s Finno-Ugrian Days are dedicated to indigenous languages to raise awareness of and promote endangered languages. More than one third, i.e. 2680 indigenous languages, of the 7000 languages spoken in the world are endangered. The majority of Finno-Ugric languages are also in danger of extinction or endangered.
12:00 – Theatre performance: Jumalad on maal!!! (Gods are in the Country) in the Theatre Hall, B entrance. Tickets.
13:30 – Documentary screening: Elavalt maetud (Buried Alive) in the World Film Hall, A entrance, FREE ENTRY
14:00 – Documentary screening: Läbi vepsalaste maa (Through the Land of the Vepsians) in the World Film Hall, FREE ENTRY
14:00 – Domina Women’s Choir in the bridge area, A entrance, FREE ENTRY
15:00 – Traditional music concert in celebration of the Finno-Ugrian Day in the Jakob Hurt Hall, A entrance, FREE ENTRY
The Finno-Ugrian Day concert features performances by the Mari, Erzya and Udmurt folk ensembles and traditional musicians: Erzyan Merema, Magos and Bori Fekete from Hungary, Maris Jorga Katše and Polina Italjeva, Komi Jugõdlan’ and Udmurt Pavel Aleksandrov.
18:00 – Wimme and Rinne concert in the bridge area, A entrance. Tickets.