Course on Estonian culture „Live the Lives of Estonians“
Come and discover Estonian culture and Tartu!
Estonian National Museum (ENM) invites you to Estonian culture course.
August 23–September 10, 2022
We will meet five times at the museum (Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu). The course is free of charge and gives you the opportunity to get to know Tartu and Estonia.
You are welcome to join if you wish to know more about Estonian:
- history and identity,
- culture,
- language,
- music,
- nature and
- peculiarities of everyday life.
The participants attending at least 80% of the course will get a certificate and/or two credit points for universities (HVFI.TK.038).
Program here:
Registration is necessary. Register here until August 20:
Additional information:
The course will be held by ENM, the Friends Society of ENM and the department of Semiotics of Tartu University.
The activities are carried out with financial support of European Social Fundation, project nr 2014-2020.2.06.004005006.01.15-0001 „Eesti ühiskonnas lõimumist toetavad tegevused”.