Right Body, Wrong Body?
The exhibition is open until 28th of January 2024.Human experience of the body is much more complex than mere physical existence. By perceiving the world through the body, we are influenced by society and we conceptualize corporeal experiences through the prism of culture.

In societies, right and wrong are always consensual categories. The norms and restrictions pertaining to the body have the aim of uniting people socially and culturally, yet these views are fluid, open to change and are shaped into a consensus through interpersonal communication. Bodies are used, categorized and judged. To a significant degree, people’s perception of their bodies is based on how their surroundings respond to their presence and behaviour.
The Estonian National Museum’s exhibition “Right Body, Wrong Body?” channels new Estonian research that sheds light on the body’s cultural meanings. The exhibition delves into aspects and problems that have been salient in the past but also spark discussions and debates today: the body in different stages of life, food and health, beauty and morality, the idea of the “body national”, suffering, and the technological body.
Access via Entrance A.
Tickets: €9, concessions €7, family pass €18.
The exhibition is open from 18th of March 2023 until 28th of January 2024.

Photos: Berta Jänes