Jakob Hurda saalis
Konverentsi abstraktide ja filmisünopsiste raamat / Programme and Abstract (pdf)
Link: https://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/book-of-abstracts-encounters-with-urban-night.pdfTere tulemast!
Tähistamaks nädalavahetust enne aasta lühimat ööd ning pandeemiajärgse linnaöö taaselavnemist kutsuvad ERM ja Rahvusvaheline Visuaaluuringute Võrgustik (VRN) teid kohtuma öise aja uurijatega. 3. VRN konverents esitleb öö helisid ja pilte, varjude ja erinevuste etnograafiat ning katsetusi nii filmi- kui ka antropoloogiliste meetoditega.Konverentsi ettekanded ja dokumentaalfilmid uurivad erinevaid ööajaga seotud teemasid ja kohti alates São Paulo elektroonilisest muusikast kuni kohtumiseni metsloomadega Nepali rahvuspargis; postkoloniaalse Lagose ööelust kuni Linnutee kadumiseni öisest linnataevast. Samuti esitletakse tulemusi öistelt audiovisuaalsetelt eksperimentidelt, mille on Tartus konverentsi eel viinud läbi 3. VRN rahvusvahelises kunstiresidentuuris osalejad.
Konverentsi töökeel on inglise keel.
Konverents on tasuta.
Programm ja registreerimine lehe allosas.
Conference: Encounters with the Urban Night
18.-19. June 2022At Estonian National Museum, Jakob Hurt's hall
Marking the weekend before the shortest night of the year, and in recognition of the resurgent post-pandemic urban night, the Estonian National Museum and the Visual Research Network together invite the public to encounter a multidisciplinary study of the nocturnal. The 3rd VRN Conference showcases ethnographies of shadow and alterity, sounds and images of the night, and experiments with methodologies both filmic and anthropological.
The research presentations and documentary works to be featured explore diverse nocturnal subjects and spaces, from the São Paulo electronic music scene to animal encounters in a Nepalese National Park, from the fugitive night life that follows coloniality in Lagos, to the Milky Way itself and the implications of its invisibility. Also on show are the fruits of the audiovisual experiments carried out in Tartu by participants of the 3rd VRN International Artists’ Residency in the days immediately prior to the conference.
The conference is in English and free of charge.
Registration below.
June 18
9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee
9.30-10.30 Conference opening and Panel 1: Explorations cultural
Karin Leivategija Dancing through the night in urbanizing Estonia
Jiawei Zhao Night Markets, Senses, Atmosphere
10.35-12.15 Film screening 1: Boundary crossings
Casey Hayward Life in the Vague I 12 min
Clara Kleininger, Sofia Kowalewska, Gala Lavrinets, Emmanuel Levy, Dorota Mazur, Julia Pełka, Dorota Proba, Monika Proba Warsaw at Night I 25 min
Alex Martin Tepehuitzco I 25 min
12.15-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Film screening 2: Passages of practice
Noemi Didu Le Temple I 19 min
Eduard Vasile Chod: The Journey Into Cutting the Self I 43 min
14.40-16.00 Panel 2: Rendering darkness for all
Abdallah Zouhairi, Sana Benbelli Living closely together: the human non-human urban night
Samyak Jain The Nocturnal Urban Nature: Reimagining artificial lighting in eco-sensitive urban areas of Salford UK and its impacts on biodiversity
Chantal Meng Night Drawing: Re-writing Darkness in the Nocturnal Land/Cityscape
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.30 Keynote 1
Carlo Cubero Sounding Space-Time
17.40-19.20 Film screening 3: Nighttime negotiations
Annemarije Rus Lloret '18 I 28 min
Anna Benner, Eluned Zoe Aiano Dark Streets Aren’t for Girls I 40 min
June 19
9.30-10.00 Morning coffee
10.00-10.30 Keynote 2
Jeff Silva Incongruous Voyages: Experiments in anthropological knowledge using audio-visual methods of sensory ethnography
10.30-11.30 Tartu nights - VRN residency showcase
11.40-13.10 Film screening 4: Inaccessible domains
Louise Beer, John Hooper Under the Fading Light I 3 min
Pavel Borecký Solaris I 25min
Presentation: Tuning Solaris: From the darkness of a shopping mall towards post-humanist cinema
Tõnis Jürgens A Practice for Surrender I 12 min
13.10-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Panel 3: Sensory investigations
Nolwen Vouiller Animal’s night: what darkness allows to wildlife and costs to humans in Bardiya National Park, Nepal
Elisabeth de Bezenac A visual atlas of darkness for urban night designers
15.00-16.05 Film screening 5: Dark matters
Eleonora Diamanti, Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier Guardians of the Night I 16 min
Chrystel Oloukoi Nocturnal Lagos: In the searchlight of a police cruiser
16.05-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.30 Panel 4: Writing the night
Mihai Andrei Leaha Senses and Rhythms of the Night. A Dive into the São Paulo Electronic Music Scene
Elena Adasheva A Night on the Town: Walking with Light in the Far North
17.30-19.00 Film screening 6: Sunrise to sunset
Amaya Sumpsi, Carlos Lima, Catarina Alves Costa, Joana Lucas, Raquel Carvalheira and Teresa Costa
A Ramadan in Lisbon I 68 min