Reede õhtupoolikul on ERMi öönäitusel külas “Ma kajan” installatsiooni autorid Natalie Marr ja Piibe Kolka. Neil on kaasas pilte ja tekste, laulusõnu ja kangajuppe, millest saad soovi korral oma öisele minale talismani meisterdada. Liitu sulle sobival ajal kella 15 ja 18 vahel.
Leiad Natalie ja Piibe näituse keldrikorrusel asuva installatsiooni karaoke-magamistoa juurest. Astu julgelt ligi ja koge salapärase öö lumma natuke kauem!
Sissepääs näitusepileti või muuseumikaardiga.
Piibe Kolka and Natalie Marr, curators of the installation "There is an Echo in Me," will conduct a workshop on Friday, 24th of January. They will be present in the space between 15 and 18 next to the bedroom filled with lights and sounds of a karaoke club with materials and tools to make a “talisman.”
One can sit with them to discuss their nocturnal personas and personal relationships to the night-time. While we chat, we will make a nocturnal “talisman” together that is personal to you by gluing/stitching together printed images, jukebox tickets, textile materials and song lyrics from the exhibition and then laminated for durability. Talismans could take the simple form of a card or bookmark, or be combined with textiles to create a wear-able such as a necklace, belt or key chain.
Participation with museum ticket or Museum Card.