Tantsulavastus Vibrating Sky
Rahvusvaheliselt aktiivsesse avangardtantsu duosse 86B210 kuuluvad Fumie Suzuki ja Keiko Iguchi. 86B210 käsitleb kaasaegse ühiskonnas elamise pimepooli ja kahtlusi.
Vibrating Sky kutsub vaataja avastama universumi saladusi ning mõtestama energiat. Nii inimeses kui väljaspool inimest.
Nikola Tesla on öelnud, et keha on mikrokosmos. Mina, sina, ühiskond, loodus, universum - kõik energiasüsteemid, mida juhib peen elektrooniline võnkumine. See vibratsioon hoiab maailma tasakaalus. Ja sellest sünnivad teosed, mis omakorda resoneeruvad maailmaga. Kuigi iga elava inimese keha hukkub, ei hävine tema energia kunagi. Teadus kajastab Jaapani šintoismi mõtteid ja joogaõpetusi, öeldes meile, et energia elab universumis igavesti. Kunagi kadunud linnades elanud inimestes kehastunud energia jätkab resoneerumist, mõjutades vastastikku elavate energiatega. Energia voolab sujuvalt läbi religioonide, rasside ja isegi aja. Sedasi kuidas energia juhib taassünnini ja resonantsini, võib see anda meile jõudu muutmaks maailma, innustades meis tahtejõudu ihaldada tõeliselt head elu. Kogeda kaunist harmooniat. Neil kaootilistel aegadel on tähtsam kui kunagi varem taasavastada need kaotatud tunded, võtta omaks see kõikehõlmav resonants.
Piletid Piletilevist.
Internationally active avant-garde dance duo, Fumie Suzuki & Keiko Iguchi.
86B210’s work addresses the underside and doubts of living in modern society. We address this theme through choreographed works reflecting the fight to retain our human spirit and
through improvisation revealing this struggle viscerally. 86B210’s dance presents strong contrasts, in which opposed or contradictory images are married.We compose our works by
laying one image on another, as in photo collage, using various kinds of music, and pursue collaborative projects with artists in other fields.
Thread, light, night, moon, point, root, dark, morning, wave
Do you hear it...my voice?
Before meaning, do you feel the touch, the connection, the secure embrace?
In your voice I awake, life rises.
Someone dips into that stream and wets his throat.
A joyful song echoes. Resonate. (Text:Fumie Suzuki)
It is said that the body is a microcosm. I, you, society, nature, the universe ― all energy systems, driven by fine electronic oscillation. This resonance maintains the balance of the world. Motion and e(motion) modulated by physics. And from it spring works that in turn resonate with the world. Although each living person’s body will perish, the body’s energy is never destroyed. Science echoes the thoughts of Japanese Shintoism and teachings of Yoga in telling us that all energy survives in the universe. The energy embodied in people who once lived in lost old towns continues to resonate, interacting with the energy of the living. Energy flows seamlessly across and through religions, races, even time. In this way, as energy leads to rebirth and resonance, it may give us the power to change the world, by inspiring in us the power of will to desire a truly good world. To play beautiful harmony. In these chaotic times, it is more important than ever to attend to these lost feelings, to recognize this universal resonance.
Rahvusvaheliselt aktiivsesse avangardtantsu duosse 86B210 kuuluvad Fumie Suzuki ja Keiko Iguchi. 86B210 käsitleb kaasaegse ühiskonnas elamise pimepooli ja kahtlusi.
Vibrating Sky kutsub vaataja avastama universumi saladusi ning mõtestama energiat. Nii inimeses kui väljaspool inimest.
Nikola Tesla on öelnud, et keha on mikrokosmos. Mina, sina, ühiskond, loodus, universum - kõik energiasüsteemid, mida juhib peen elektrooniline võnkumine. See vibratsioon hoiab maailma tasakaalus. Ja sellest sünnivad teosed, mis omakorda resoneeruvad maailmaga. Kuigi iga elava inimese keha hukkub, ei hävine tema energia kunagi. Teadus kajastab Jaapani šintoismi mõtteid ja joogaõpetusi, öeldes meile, et energia elab universumis igavesti. Kunagi kadunud linnades elanud inimestes kehastunud energia jätkab resoneerumist, mõjutades vastastikku elavate energiatega. Energia voolab sujuvalt läbi religioonide, rasside ja isegi aja. Sedasi kuidas energia juhib taassünnini ja resonantsini, võib see anda meile jõudu muutmaks maailma, innustades meis tahtejõudu ihaldada tõeliselt head elu. Kogeda kaunist harmooniat. Neil kaootilistel aegadel on tähtsam kui kunagi varem taasavastada need kaotatud tunded, võtta omaks see kõikehõlmav resonants.
Piletid Piletilevist.
Internationally active avant-garde dance duo, Fumie Suzuki & Keiko Iguchi.
86B210’s work addresses the underside and doubts of living in modern society. We address this theme through choreographed works reflecting the fight to retain our human spirit and
through improvisation revealing this struggle viscerally. 86B210’s dance presents strong contrasts, in which opposed or contradictory images are married.We compose our works by
laying one image on another, as in photo collage, using various kinds of music, and pursue collaborative projects with artists in other fields.
Thread, light, night, moon, point, root, dark, morning, wave
Do you hear it...my voice?
Before meaning, do you feel the touch, the connection, the secure embrace?
In your voice I awake, life rises.
Someone dips into that stream and wets his throat.
A joyful song echoes. Resonate. (Text:Fumie Suzuki)
It is said that the body is a microcosm. I, you, society, nature, the universe ― all energy systems, driven by fine electronic oscillation. This resonance maintains the balance of the world. Motion and e(motion) modulated by physics. And from it spring works that in turn resonate with the world. Although each living person’s body will perish, the body’s energy is never destroyed. Science echoes the thoughts of Japanese Shintoism and teachings of Yoga in telling us that all energy survives in the universe. The energy embodied in people who once lived in lost old towns continues to resonate, interacting with the energy of the living. Energy flows seamlessly across and through religions, races, even time. In this way, as energy leads to rebirth and resonance, it may give us the power to change the world, by inspiring in us the power of will to desire a truly good world. To play beautiful harmony. In these chaotic times, it is more important than ever to attend to these lost feelings, to recognize this universal resonance.