... (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 5 characters ) 47460
uid (String, 36 characters ) f155f99f-0995-4ee9-b6fd-337f3ca27adc
title (String, 48 characters ) The annual conference of NEMO takes place at ENM
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changed (String, 10 characters ) 1578487466
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uuid (String, 36 characters ) e3c0f4bc-d9c3-448d-b85a-cfa4703d59db
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revision_uid (String, 36 characters ) f155f99f-0995-4ee9-b6fd-337f3ca27adc
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body (Array, 1 element)
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0 (Array, 5 elements)
value (String, 1993 characters ) <div class="rtejustify">From 7-10 November 2019...
<div class="rtejustify">From 7-10 November 2019, museum professionals in Europe gather for the annual conference of NEMO, the Network of European Museum Organisation, to explore how museums can help contribute to a better and greener future. The conference takes place at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu.</div> <!--break--> <div class="rtejustify"><br /> <span style="font-size: 16px;">NEMO wants to inspire museums to lead the way and become key players in creating a sustainable and equitable future and planet. The conference illustrates how museums can do so by incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in their work. Museums are perfect partners for making the SDGs accessible since they already are familiar with translating processes of change and communicating concepts from global to local level in an understandable way.</span></div> <article data-equalize-on="medium" data-equalizer="footop" data-mutate="footop" data-resize="footop" id="c5330"> <div class="rtejustify"><br /> More information about the Conference: <a href="https://www.ne-mo.org/about-us/european-museum-conference-2019.html" target="_blank">NEMO homepage</a>.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://www.ne-mo.org/fileadmin/Dateien/public/Annual_Conference/2019_Tartu/Design/NEMO_Conference_2019_Programme.pdf" target="_blank">Conference programme</a>.<br /> <br /> ENM Research Secretary Agnes Aljas, agnes.aljas@erm.ee, +372 736 3038<br /> <br /> Meet-up: sustainable exhibition design<br /> On the 8th November there will be a meet-up on sustainable exhibition design in the lobby of the Estonian National Museum. Estonian exhibition design companies will be in discussion on the subject of information design and user-friendly technological, participatory and environmentally friendly solutions in use in different exhibitions. And of course you can find some of them at the ENM.<br /> </div> </article>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 1975 characters ) <div class="rtejustify">From 7-10 November 2019...
<div class="rtejustify">From 7-10 November 2019, museum professionals in Europe gather for the annual conference of NEMO, the Network of European Museum Organisation, to explore how museums can help contribute to a better and greener future. The conference takes place at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu.</div> <!--break--> <div class="rtejustify"><br /> <span style="font-size: 16px;">NEMO wants to inspire museums to lead the way and become key players in creating a sustainable and equitable future and planet. The conference illustrates how museums can do so by incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in their work. Museums are perfect partners for making the SDGs accessible since they already are familiar with translating processes of change and communicating concepts from global to local level in an understandable way.</span></div> <article data-equalize-on="medium" data-equalizer="footop" data-mutate="footop" data-resize="footop" id="c5330"> <div class="rtejustify"><br /> More information about the Conference: <a href="https://www.ne-mo.org/about-us/european-museum-conference-2019.html" target="_blank">NEMO homepage</a>.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://www.ne-mo.org/fileadmin/Dateien/public/Annual_Conference/2019_Tartu/Design/NEMO_Conference_2019_Programme.pdf" target="_blank">Conference programme</a>.<br /> <br /> ENM Research Secretary Agnes Aljas, agnes.aljas@erm.ee, +372 736 3038<br /> <br /> Meet-up: sustainable exhibition design<br /> On the 8th November there will be a meet-up on sustainable exhibition design in the lobby of the Estonian National Museum. Estonian exhibition design companies will be in discussion on the subject of information design and user-friendly technological, participatory and environmentally friendly solutions in use in different exhibitions. And of course you can find some of them at the ENM.<br /> </div> </article>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
field_image (Array, 1 element)
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uri (String, 39 characters ) public://field/image/nemo_1920x1005.jpg
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height (String, 4 characters ) 1005
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field_subtitle (Array, 1 element)
und (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 3 elements)
value (String, 18 characters ) 7-10 November 2019
format (NULL)
safe_value (String, 18 characters ) 7-10 November 2019
field_paragraphs (Array, 0 elements)
field_date (Array, 1 element)
field_event_category (Array, 0 elements)
field_picture_description (Array, 0 elements)
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0 (String, 8 characters ) dc:title
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callback (String, 12 characters ) date_iso8601 | (Callback) date_iso8601();
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0 (String, 9 characters ) foaf:name
comment_count (Array, 2 elements)
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0 (String, 16 characters ) sioc:num_replies
datatype (String, 11 characters ) xsd:integer
last_activity (Array, 3 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 23 characters ) sioc:last_activity_date
datatype (String, 12 characters ) xsd:dateTime
callback (String, 12 characters ) date_iso8601 | (Callback) date_iso8601();
path (Array, 1 element)
pathauto (String, 1 characters ) 1
webform (Array, 35 elements)
nid (String, 5 characters ) 47458
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name (String, 14 characters ) Liis.Ehrminger
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url_alias (Array, 1 element)
Krumo version 0.2.1a
| http://krumo.sourceforge.net/data01/virt58850/domeenid/www.erm.ee/htdocs/sites/all/modules/contrib/uuid/uuid.admin.inc
, line46
Krumo version 0.2.1a
| http://krumo.sourceforge.net/data01/virt58850/domeenid/www.erm.ee/htdocs/sites/all/modules/contrib/uuid/uuid.admin.inc
, line46