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title (String, 62 characters ) ‘Once upon a Time’ fairytale exhibition to ...
‘Once upon a Time’ fairytale exhibition to open in Tampere
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value (String, 3320 characters ) <p><strong>The ‘Once upon a Time’ f...
<p><strong>The ‘Once upon a Time’ fairytale exhibition of the Estonian National Museum (ENM) is set to open at the Vapriikki Museum Centre in Tampere on 28 April. The exhibition, which proved very popular in Estonia and which was adapted for the Finnish museum by Vapriikki in cooperation with the ENM, will be open until 10 March 2024.</strong></p> <!--break--> <p>‘Once upon a Time’ is an exhibition about fairytales, heroes and heroines. Visitors go on an eventful journey through an enchanted forest that leads to a world of adventure, wonder and tests of skill and bravery. In the wondrous world of the fairytale forest, the mundane meets the mercurial as reality collides with all things strange and unpredictable. The traveller is transported to different times and places and learns to appreciate the hidden meanings of stories.<br /> In the magic forest you will find a souk and a treasure trove, and come across a prince and a princess. The boldest of visitors can put themselves to the test by overcoming obstacles and fighting the dragon. Anyone wishing to do so can create their own fairytale, choosing whether to give it a happy or a not-so-happy ending.<br /> <br /> The exhibition also explores the origins of fairytales: the people and places behind them. It looks at how stories used to be told, the true meaning of symbols that are familiar to us all and how they have changed over time.<br /> <br /> Fairytales from Finland, Europe and around the world are showcased, some well known, some more obscure. Many of their characters will spark the joy of recognition in visitors of all ages.<br /> <br /> Finnish fairytales from the collection of the Finnish Literature Society can also be browsed. The items displayed in the exhibition originate from the ENM, the Tampere History Museum, the Tampere Institute of Children’s Literature and private collections.<br /> Curators: Katrin Sipelgas & Jaak Kilmi<br /> Consultants/folklore specialists: Hanna Samola, PhD (Tampere University) & Risto Järv, PhD (University of Tartu/Estonian Literary Museum)<br /> Producers: Marju Meriluoto, PhD (Vapriikki), Katrin Sipelgas (Filmikunst) & Kristjan Raba (ENM)<br /> Animator: Priit Tender (winner, Best Animation, Tampere Film Festival 2023)<br /> Illustrator: Jaan Rõõmus<br /> Installation and logistics: Ivar Heinpalu, Veiko Mataloja (Fratelli), Imre Toomeoks, Olavi Aida, Kristiina Laurits, Eve Margus & Liisi Puhk<br /> AV and technology: Lauri Laasik & Annes Leht<br /> Our thanks to: Kimmo Anttila & Marjo-Riita Saloniemi (Vapriikki), Anu Kippasto (Estonian embassy in Helsinki), Janno Simm (Estonian Literary Museum) and Ülle Jäe (ENM)<br /> <br /> <em>‘Once upon a Time’ was a temporary exhibition at the ENM from 2019-2021. It won the Folk Culture Storytelling Award of the Estonian Cultural Endowment in 2020 and was nominated in the Tartu Deed of the Year and Museum Rat awards. </em><br /> <br /> The exhibition will be open in Finland from 28 April 2023-10 March 2024.<br /> For more information see <a href="https://www.vapriikki.fi/nayttelyt/olipa-kerran-tarina-satujen-synnysta/.">https://www.vapriikki.fi/nayttelyt/olipa-kerran-tarina-satujen-synnysta/.</a></p>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 3296 characters ) <p><strong>The ‘Once upon a Time’ f...
<p><strong>The ‘Once upon a Time’ fairytale exhibition of the Estonian National Museum (ENM) is set to open at the Vapriikki Museum Centre in Tampere on 28 April. The exhibition, which proved very popular in Estonia and which was adapted for the Finnish museum by Vapriikki in cooperation with the ENM, will be open until 10 March 2024.</strong></p> <!--break--> <p>‘Once upon a Time’ is an exhibition about fairytales, heroes and heroines. Visitors go on an eventful journey through an enchanted forest that leads to a world of adventure, wonder and tests of skill and bravery. In the wondrous world of the fairytale forest, the mundane meets the mercurial as reality collides with all things strange and unpredictable. The traveller is transported to different times and places and learns to appreciate the hidden meanings of stories.<br /> In the magic forest you will find a souk and a treasure trove, and come across a prince and a princess. The boldest of visitors can put themselves to the test by overcoming obstacles and fighting the dragon. Anyone wishing to do so can create their own fairytale, choosing whether to give it a happy or a not-so-happy ending.<br /> <br /> The exhibition also explores the origins of fairytales: the people and places behind them. It looks at how stories used to be told, the true meaning of symbols that are familiar to us all and how they have changed over time.<br /> <br /> Fairytales from Finland, Europe and around the world are showcased, some well known, some more obscure. Many of their characters will spark the joy of recognition in visitors of all ages.<br /> <br /> Finnish fairytales from the collection of the Finnish Literature Society can also be browsed. The items displayed in the exhibition originate from the ENM, the Tampere History Museum, the Tampere Institute of Children’s Literature and private collections.<br /> Curators: Katrin Sipelgas & Jaak Kilmi<br /> Consultants/folklore specialists: Hanna Samola, PhD (Tampere University) & Risto Järv, PhD (University of Tartu/Estonian Literary Museum)<br /> Producers: Marju Meriluoto, PhD (Vapriikki), Katrin Sipelgas (Filmikunst) & Kristjan Raba (ENM)<br /> Animator: Priit Tender (winner, Best Animation, Tampere Film Festival 2023)<br /> Illustrator: Jaan Rõõmus<br /> Installation and logistics: Ivar Heinpalu, Veiko Mataloja (Fratelli), Imre Toomeoks, Olavi Aida, Kristiina Laurits, Eve Margus & Liisi Puhk<br /> AV and technology: Lauri Laasik & Annes Leht<br /> Our thanks to: Kimmo Anttila & Marjo-Riita Saloniemi (Vapriikki), Anu Kippasto (Estonian embassy in Helsinki), Janno Simm (Estonian Literary Museum) and Ülle Jäe (ENM)<br /> <br /> <em>‘Once upon a Time’ was a temporary exhibition at the ENM from 2019-2021. It won the Folk Culture Storytelling Award of the Estonian Cultural Endowment in 2020 and was nominated in the Tartu Deed of the Year and Museum Rat awards. </em><br /> <br /> The exhibition will be open in Finland from 28 April 2023-10 March 2024.<br /> For more information see <a href="https://www.vapriikki.fi/nayttelyt/olipa-kerran-tarina-satujen-synnysta/.">https://www.vapriikki.fi/nayttelyt/olipa-kerran-tarina-satujen-synnysta/.</a></p>
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