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value (String, 2892 characters ) The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen ...
The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ is open at the Estonian National Museum from 13 October 2023 to 7 January 2024.<br /> <br /> The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ unveils nearly forty works by Konrad Mägi (1878–1925) that have never or seldom been seen by the public.<br /> <br /> In recent years, the Konrad Mägi Foundation has discovered and identified the locations of dozens of new works by Konrad Mägi, shedding light on new and previously unknown aspects of the artist’s oeuvre. The works originate from private collections in Estonia, Finland and Canada. The works include both the largest and smallest known paintings by Mägi, a rare work painted on stone, entirely novel motifs or new interpretations of old motifs, as well as, for example, the only known painting from the Danish period and works returned from Australia. Through texts and photographs, the exhibition tells the stories of the loss and discovery of Mägi’s paintings. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is carried out in co-operation between the Konrad Mägi Foundation and the Estonian National Museum. The exhibition is curated by Eero Epner and designed by Mari Kurismaa, with graphic design by Mari Kaljuste.<br /> <br /> <em>Signature work of the exhibition: Portrait of Linda Uuehendrik-Hakkaja. 1917–1918. Oil, canvas. 139 × 112 cm. Private collection</em><br /> <br /> The exhibition is open in the B-side of the Estonian National Museum. Access from the A entrance.<br /> A ticket for the B-side of the Estonian National Museum grants access to the exhibition: standard ticket €7, concession ticket €5, family ticket €14 (in addition, the B-side ticket grants access to the permanent exhibition ‘Encounters’ and the exhibition ‘Four Feet on the Ground. The Estonian Country Chair’). You can also visit the exhibition with an all exhibitions ticket<br /> <br /> <strong>Tour in English at the exhibition "Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings" will take place on the 21st of December at 11.30 AM</strong>, <strong>conducted by Katrin Alekand </strong>| <a href="https://www.erm.ee/et/content/curators-tour-exhibition-konrad-m%C3%A4gi-unseen-paintings-21-december-1130-am">Registration form</a><br /> <br /> Participation information:<br /> To participate in the tour, you need to buy a ticket (7 € / 5 €) for the permanent exhibition "Meetings", which also includes the exhibitions on the B side of the museum, from the A information desk.<br /> Prior registration guarantees a place on the curator's tour! Please register each participant separately.<br /> NB! If the registration form does not accept new answers, the places are full.
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 2874 characters ) The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen ...
The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ is open at the Estonian National Museum from 13 October 2023 to 7 January 2024.<br /> <br /> The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ unveils nearly forty works by Konrad Mägi (1878–1925) that have never or seldom been seen by the public.<br /> <br /> In recent years, the Konrad Mägi Foundation has discovered and identified the locations of dozens of new works by Konrad Mägi, shedding light on new and previously unknown aspects of the artist’s oeuvre. The works originate from private collections in Estonia, Finland and Canada. The works include both the largest and smallest known paintings by Mägi, a rare work painted on stone, entirely novel motifs or new interpretations of old motifs, as well as, for example, the only known painting from the Danish period and works returned from Australia. Through texts and photographs, the exhibition tells the stories of the loss and discovery of Mägi’s paintings. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is carried out in co-operation between the Konrad Mägi Foundation and the Estonian National Museum. The exhibition is curated by Eero Epner and designed by Mari Kurismaa, with graphic design by Mari Kaljuste.<br /> <br /> <em>Signature work of the exhibition: Portrait of Linda Uuehendrik-Hakkaja. 1917–1918. Oil, canvas. 139 × 112 cm. Private collection</em><br /> <br /> The exhibition is open in the B-side of the Estonian National Museum. Access from the A entrance.<br /> A ticket for the B-side of the Estonian National Museum grants access to the exhibition: standard ticket €7, concession ticket €5, family ticket €14 (in addition, the B-side ticket grants access to the permanent exhibition ‘Encounters’ and the exhibition ‘Four Feet on the Ground. The Estonian Country Chair’). You can also visit the exhibition with an all exhibitions ticket<br /> <br /> <strong>Tour in English at the exhibition "Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings" will take place on the 21st of December at 11.30 AM</strong>, <strong>conducted by Katrin Alekand </strong>| <a href="https://www.erm.ee/et/content/curators-tour-exhibition-konrad-m%C3%A4gi-unseen-paintings-21-december-1130-am">Registration form</a><br /> <br /> Participation information:<br /> To participate in the tour, you need to buy a ticket (7 € / 5 €) for the permanent exhibition "Meetings", which also includes the exhibitions on the B side of the museum, from the A information desk.<br /> Prior registration guarantees a place on the curator's tour! Please register each participant separately.<br /> NB! If the registration form does not accept new answers, the places are full.
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0 (Array, 2 elements)
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taxonomy_term (Object) stdClass
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#items (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 5 elements)
value (String, 2892 characters ) The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen ...
The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ is open at the Estonian National Museum from 13 October 2023 to 7 January 2024.<br /> <br /> The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ unveils nearly forty works by Konrad Mägi (1878–1925) that have never or seldom been seen by the public.<br /> <br /> In recent years, the Konrad Mägi Foundation has discovered and identified the locations of dozens of new works by Konrad Mägi, shedding light on new and previously unknown aspects of the artist’s oeuvre. The works originate from private collections in Estonia, Finland and Canada. The works include both the largest and smallest known paintings by Mägi, a rare work painted on stone, entirely novel motifs or new interpretations of old motifs, as well as, for example, the only known painting from the Danish period and works returned from Australia. Through texts and photographs, the exhibition tells the stories of the loss and discovery of Mägi’s paintings. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is carried out in co-operation between the Konrad Mägi Foundation and the Estonian National Museum. The exhibition is curated by Eero Epner and designed by Mari Kurismaa, with graphic design by Mari Kaljuste.<br /> <br /> <em>Signature work of the exhibition: Portrait of Linda Uuehendrik-Hakkaja. 1917–1918. Oil, canvas. 139 × 112 cm. Private collection</em><br /> <br /> The exhibition is open in the B-side of the Estonian National Museum. Access from the A entrance.<br /> A ticket for the B-side of the Estonian National Museum grants access to the exhibition: standard ticket €7, concession ticket €5, family ticket €14 (in addition, the B-side ticket grants access to the permanent exhibition ‘Encounters’ and the exhibition ‘Four Feet on the Ground. The Estonian Country Chair’). You can also visit the exhibition with an all exhibitions ticket<br /> <br /> <strong>Tour in English at the exhibition "Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings" will take place on the 21st of December at 11.30 AM</strong>, <strong>conducted by Katrin Alekand </strong>| <a href="https://www.erm.ee/et/content/curators-tour-exhibition-konrad-m%C3%A4gi-unseen-paintings-21-december-1130-am">Registration form</a><br /> <br /> Participation information:<br /> To participate in the tour, you need to buy a ticket (7 € / 5 €) for the permanent exhibition "Meetings", which also includes the exhibitions on the B side of the museum, from the A information desk.<br /> Prior registration guarantees a place on the curator's tour! Please register each participant separately.<br /> NB! If the registration form does not accept new answers, the places are full.
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 2874 characters ) The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen ...
The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ is open at the Estonian National Museum from 13 October 2023 to 7 January 2024.<br /> <br /> The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ unveils nearly forty works by Konrad Mägi (1878–1925) that have never or seldom been seen by the public.<br /> <br /> In recent years, the Konrad Mägi Foundation has discovered and identified the locations of dozens of new works by Konrad Mägi, shedding light on new and previously unknown aspects of the artist’s oeuvre. The works originate from private collections in Estonia, Finland and Canada. The works include both the largest and smallest known paintings by Mägi, a rare work painted on stone, entirely novel motifs or new interpretations of old motifs, as well as, for example, the only known painting from the Danish period and works returned from Australia. Through texts and photographs, the exhibition tells the stories of the loss and discovery of Mägi’s paintings. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is carried out in co-operation between the Konrad Mägi Foundation and the Estonian National Museum. The exhibition is curated by Eero Epner and designed by Mari Kurismaa, with graphic design by Mari Kaljuste.<br /> <br /> <em>Signature work of the exhibition: Portrait of Linda Uuehendrik-Hakkaja. 1917–1918. Oil, canvas. 139 × 112 cm. Private collection</em><br /> <br /> The exhibition is open in the B-side of the Estonian National Museum. Access from the A entrance.<br /> A ticket for the B-side of the Estonian National Museum grants access to the exhibition: standard ticket €7, concession ticket €5, family ticket €14 (in addition, the B-side ticket grants access to the permanent exhibition ‘Encounters’ and the exhibition ‘Four Feet on the Ground. The Estonian Country Chair’). You can also visit the exhibition with an all exhibitions ticket<br /> <br /> <strong>Tour in English at the exhibition "Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings" will take place on the 21st of December at 11.30 AM</strong>, <strong>conducted by Katrin Alekand </strong>| <a href="https://www.erm.ee/et/content/curators-tour-exhibition-konrad-m%C3%A4gi-unseen-paintings-21-december-1130-am">Registration form</a><br /> <br /> Participation information:<br /> To participate in the tour, you need to buy a ticket (7 € / 5 €) for the permanent exhibition "Meetings", which also includes the exhibitions on the B side of the museum, from the A information desk.<br /> Prior registration guarantees a place on the curator's tour! Please register each participant separately.<br /> NB! If the registration form does not accept new answers, the places are full.
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 2874 characters ) The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen ...
The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ is open at the Estonian National Museum from 13 October 2023 to 7 January 2024.<br /> <br /> The exhibition ‘Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings’ unveils nearly forty works by Konrad Mägi (1878–1925) that have never or seldom been seen by the public.<br /> <br /> In recent years, the Konrad Mägi Foundation has discovered and identified the locations of dozens of new works by Konrad Mägi, shedding light on new and previously unknown aspects of the artist’s oeuvre. The works originate from private collections in Estonia, Finland and Canada. The works include both the largest and smallest known paintings by Mägi, a rare work painted on stone, entirely novel motifs or new interpretations of old motifs, as well as, for example, the only known painting from the Danish period and works returned from Australia. Through texts and photographs, the exhibition tells the stories of the loss and discovery of Mägi’s paintings. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is carried out in co-operation between the Konrad Mägi Foundation and the Estonian National Museum. The exhibition is curated by Eero Epner and designed by Mari Kurismaa, with graphic design by Mari Kaljuste.<br /> <br /> <em>Signature work of the exhibition: Portrait of Linda Uuehendrik-Hakkaja. 1917–1918. Oil, canvas. 139 × 112 cm. Private collection</em><br /> <br /> The exhibition is open in the B-side of the Estonian National Museum. Access from the A entrance.<br /> A ticket for the B-side of the Estonian National Museum grants access to the exhibition: standard ticket €7, concession ticket €5, family ticket €14 (in addition, the B-side ticket grants access to the permanent exhibition ‘Encounters’ and the exhibition ‘Four Feet on the Ground. The Estonian Country Chair’). You can also visit the exhibition with an all exhibitions ticket<br /> <br /> <strong>Tour in English at the exhibition "Konrad Mägi. Unseen Paintings" will take place on the 21st of December at 11.30 AM</strong>, <strong>conducted by Katrin Alekand </strong>| <a href="https://www.erm.ee/et/content/curators-tour-exhibition-konrad-m%C3%A4gi-unseen-paintings-21-december-1130-am">Registration form</a><br /> <br /> Participation information:<br /> To participate in the tour, you need to buy a ticket (7 € / 5 €) for the permanent exhibition "Meetings", which also includes the exhibitions on the B side of the museum, from the A information desk.<br /> Prior registration guarantees a place on the curator's tour! Please register each participant separately.<br /> NB! If the registration form does not accept new answers, the places are full.
field_image (Array, 16 elements)
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#field_type (String, 12 characters ) list_boolean
#field_translatable (String, 1 characters ) 0
#entity_type (String, 4 characters ) node
#bundle (String, 18 characters ) page_with_subpages
#object (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
#items (Array, 1 element)
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) list_default
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 13 characters ) Map is hidden
field_moodunud_naitus (Array, 16 elements)
#theme (String, 5 characters ) field
#weight (Integer) 13
#title (String, 16 characters ) moodunud näitus
#access (Boolean) TRUE
#label_display (String, 5 characters ) above
#view_mode (String, 4 characters ) full
#language (String, 3 characters ) und
#field_name (String, 21 characters ) field_moodunud_naitus
#field_type (String, 12 characters ) list_boolean
#field_translatable (String, 1 characters ) 0
#entity_type (String, 4 characters ) node
#bundle (String, 18 characters ) page_with_subpages
#object (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
#items (Array, 1 element)
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) list_default
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 18 characters ) Möödunud näitus
#pre_render (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 30 characters ) _field_extra_fields_pre_render | (Callback) _field_extra_fields_pre_render();
#entity_type (String, 4 characters ) node
#bundle (String, 18 characters ) page_with_subpages
#groups (Array, 0 elements)
#fieldgroups (Array, 0 elements)
#group_children (Array, 0 elements)
links (Array, 4 elements)
#theme (String, 11 characters ) links__node
#pre_render (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 23 characters ) drupal_pre_render_links | (Callback) drupal_pre_render_links();
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
node (Array, 3 elements)
language (Array, 3 elements)
#view_mode (String, 4 characters ) full
#theme (String, 4 characters ) node
#node (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
#language (String, 2 characters ) en
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