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<p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr1.pdf" target="_blank">Pro Ethnologia nr 1</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 1. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi 35. teaduskonverentsi materjale. Papers of the 35th Scientific Conference of Estonian National Museum</strong><br /> Tartu 1993. 93 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-9962</p> <p>Henn Heinsoo, Eesti tänapäevakultuuri visuaalse dokumenteerimise kavast / On the Project of Visual Documentation of Modern Estonian Culture<br /> Anu Järs, Mõningaid mõtteid "naiseröövist" Eestis / Some Thougths about Abduction in Estonia<br /> Tõnis Lukas, Tartu toomhärrade päritolu / Social Origin of Tartu Canons<br /> Mare Piho, Hõbeehted setu pulmakombestikus / Silver Ornaments in Setu Nuptial Rites<br /> Jaanus Plaat, Vormsi usuliikumised 1870. aastatest kuni eestirootslaste väljarändamiseni / Religious Movements in Vormsi from the 1870 to Emigration of Estonian Swedes during World War II<br /> Heiki Pärdi, Muuseumiese etnoloogia uurimisallikana / Museum Object as a Source in Etnological Research<br /> Vaike Reemann, Raudteeklubist Eesti Rahva Muuseumi Näitusemajaks (püsinäituse üldkava põhimõtted) / A Club for Railway Workers is Turned into an Exhibition House for the Estonian National Museum<br /> Edgar Saar, Hantide traditsioonilised elamud kaasajal / The Traditional Dwelling Houses of Khants Nowadays<br /> Heno Sarv, N. Vene rahvusautonoomiad ja soomeugri rahvaste areng / The National Autonomies of the Soviet Russia and the Development of Finno-Ugric Peoples<br /> Toivo Sikka, Eesti Rahva Muuseum 1992. aastal / The Estonian National Museum in 1992<br /> Ellen Värv, Rõivastuse uurimine / Research into Clothing<br /> Piret Õunapuu, Eesti tradiooniliste istmete arengulugu. Kiiktool / The History of the Development of Estonian Traditional Seats. The Rocking-Chair</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/pe2.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 2</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 2. Etnoloogia ja muuseumid. Ethnology and Museums</strong><br /> Tartu 1994. 114 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-9962</p> <p>Anu Kannike, "Rahvuslik" rahvakultuur / "National" Folk Culture<br /> Heiki Pärdi, Eesti Rahva Muuseum - "eesti rahva sümbol" ja muuseum / Estonian National Museum - a Symbol of Estonian People and a Museum<br /> Ulla Johansen, Etnoloogiamuuseum ja selle külastaja Saksamaal / Das Völkerkunde-Museum und seine Besucher in Deutschland<br /> Barbro Bursell, Nordiska Museet ja etnoloogiline uurimistöö / The Nordiska Museet and its Ethnological Research<br /> Helgi Põllo, Üksinda etnograafina saarel / The Ethnologist alone on the Island</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr3.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 3</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 3. Allikad ja uurimused. Sources and Research</strong><br /> Tartu 1995. 215 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Art Leete, Kirja tekke antropoloogilisi aspekte / Some anthreoplogical aspects of the origin of writing.<br /> Ene Kõresaar, Küsitlusleht allika kujundajana. / Questionnaire as a moulder of ethnograpphical source. (page 36)<br /> Anu Kannike, Pilt kui argikultuuri allikas. / Picture as a source of everyday culture.<br /> Heiki Pärdi, Eesti etnoloogide aukartus elu ees. Välitööpäevikud kultuuriuurimise allikana. / Estonian ethnologists' awe of life.<br /> Aado Lintrop, Suuline pärimus uskumuse kujundajana / The infuluence of oral tradition on the formation of beliefs.<br /> Tiiu Jaago, Suulise traditsiooni eripära vaimses kultuuris. Perepärimuse põhjal / Peculiarities of oral tradition in intellectual culture.<br /> Anu Järs, "Selge meele ja targa mõistusega". Talupojatestamendid etnoloogi pilgu läbi. / "With clear mind and sound reasoning".<br /> Inna Põltsam, Skraa kui kultuuriajaloo allikas. / Charter as a source of cultural history.<br /> Aadu Must, Nimi ajalooallikana / Surname as a historical source.<br /> Uued uurimisprojektid:<br /> Anu Järs, Anu Kannike, Heiki Pärdi, Kodu kui kultuuritegur 20. sajandi Eestis / Home as a cultural factor in 20th -century Estonia.</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr4.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 4</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 4. How to Make Ethnologists</strong><br /> Tartu 1996. 102 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Elle Vunder, Ethnography at the University of Tartu in Historical Perspective<br /> Jaanus Plaat, Strategies of Teaching Ethnology at the Department of Ethnology, University of Tartu<br /> Toomas Gross, Teaching Anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences: Reflexions and Perspectives<br /> Ph. lic. Timo J. Virtanen, The Other, Near and Far<br /> Bjarne Rogan, Material Culture, Meaning and Interpretation in Nordic Ethnological Research<br /> Per-Markku Ristilammi, Alterity in Modern Sweden<br /> Finnur Magnsson, Narratives of Modern Dying. Looking for Authentic Death<br /> Slade Carter, Narratives of Estonian Nationalism</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr5.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 5</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 5. Arctic Studies 1</strong><br /> Tartu 1997. 81 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Liivo Niglas, Reindeer In The Nenets Worldview<br /> Art Leete, Sacrificial Ceremony At Lake Num-To<br /> Anzori Barkalaja, On The Sacrificial Ritual Of The Pim River Khanty In December 1995<br /> Olga Fishman, Russian Ethnographical Museum And Baltic Finns<br /> Art Leete, Extended Forum Of Anthropology And Ethnography In Bashkiria<br /> Liivo Niglas, Art Leete, Examining Cultural Changes In Western Siberia</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr6.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 6</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 6. Procedural Work on Artefacts</strong><br /> Tartu 1998. 96 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Rūta Guzeviciūte, Costumes through Centuries: A Source of Historical Insights<br /> Laura Piškinaite-Kazlauskiene, Beekeeper’s Spiritual World in Museum Objects<br /> Vaike Reemann, Permanent Exhibition and Artefacts<br /> Ene Kõresaar, Vital Things: Objects in Life Histories, Life Histories in Objects<br /> Art Leete, Komi Objects at the Estonian National Museum<br /> Heno Sarv, The Material Culture and History of the East-European Taiga Peoples<br /> Ene Kõresaar, New Old Themes. Masculine. Feminine. The Meaning of Gender Category in Culture<br /> Terje Anepaio, Soome etnoloogid identiteeti otsimas<br /> Elle Vunder, Terje Anepaio, Ene Kõresaar, Research Project Memory as a Cultural Factor in the Biographical Narratives of the Estonians</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr7.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 7</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 7. Arctic Studies 2</strong><br /> Tartu 1999. 90 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Liivo Niglas, The Yamal Nenets in a Changing World<br /> Art Leete, Ethnopolitical Comments About the Sacrificial Ceremony At Lake Num-To<br /> Heno Sarv, Expedition Diary. Khanty-Mansiysk-Yuilsk-Beryozovo (Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug) 2nd - 17th August 1975<br /> Eva Toulouze, The Development of a Written Culture by the Indigenous Peoples of Western Siberia<br /> Art Leete, Cultural Identity of Arctic Peoples</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr8.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 8</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 8. Arctic Studies 3</strong><br /> Tartu 1999. 78 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Mihaly Hoppal, Shamanism at the Turn of the Millennium<br /> Kirill Istomin, Kolva Volost and Kolva Ethnographic Group as an Example of Transition from Nomadic to Settled Way of Life. An Attempt of Analysis<br /> Art Leete, An Outline of Descriptions of Ob-Ugrians and Samoyeds in West-European and Russian Sources from the 11th through the 17th Centuries.<br /> Anzori Barkalaja, On the Sacrificial Rituals of the Pim River Khanties: Part Two<br /> Art Leete, The Continuity which Persists: The Finno-Ugric Belief</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr9.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 9</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 9. On Rural and Urban Areas</strong><br /> Tartu 2000. 137 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Gįbor Wilhelm, Living in a Flat: A House in Europe and Budapest<br /> Marika Mikkor, About the Study of Birth Customs in Towns and in the Country<br /> Mare Piho, Setu Silver Decorative Jewellery in the Context of Town Culture<br /> Heiki Pärdi, The Crumbling of the Peasant Time Concept in Estonia<br /> Art Leete, Dramatic Urban Experience of the Khanties. An Interview with Tatyana Moldanova<br /> Heno Sarv, Town and Country among Finno-Ugrians<br /> Stefan Bohman, The People's Story. On the Collection and Analyses of Autobiographical Materials<br /> Ilmari Vesterinen. Dependenssianalyysi ja sääntöanalyysi kylätutkimuksen työvälineinä / Dependency Analysis and Rule Analysis as Tools for the Study of Village Culture</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/pe10.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 10</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 10. Cultural Identity of Arctic Peoples. Arctic Studies 4</strong><br /> Tartu 2000. 122 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Eva Toulouze, Adaptational Models of Intellectuals among Northern Peoples<br /> Kjell Olsen, Ethnic Symbols and Everyday Life. Language in Finnmark, Northern Norway<br /> Helena Ruotsala, Ethnic Mobilisation among Reindeer Herders in Finnish Lapland during the 1990s<br /> Jukka Pennanen, The Role of Women in Subsistence and Ethnic Identity in the Kultima Sámi Society in Lapland<br /> Kirill Istomin, Living in Chum. Social Relations and Personal Behavioural Strategies among Komi Reindeer Herders<br /> Vladimir Lipin, Art Leete, Komi Hunter Ethics at the End of the 20th Century<br /> Liivo Niglas, Reindeer as the Moulder of the Ethnic Identity of the Yamal Nenets<br /> Marjut Huuskonen, Arctic Descriptions of the Wind. An Example of the Relation of Man and Natural Forces in the Northern Sámi Oral History</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr11.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 11</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 11. Cultural Identity of Arctic Peoples. Arctic Studies 5</strong><br /> Tartu 2001. 114 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Tatyana Bulgakova, Shaman on the Stage, (Shamanism and Northern Identity)<br /> Tatyana Sem, The Nanai National Mentality and World Model<br /> Irina Karapetova, Karina Solovyova, Yavun-iki, the Master of Yugan as the Cultural Symbol of Yugan Khanties<br /> Yelena Pivneva, The Re-establishment of Ob-Ugrian "Traditional Family Lands". Back to the Past or a Step towards the Future?<br /> Yelena Martynova, Reindeer Herding as a Possibility for Maintaining Ethnic Traditions in the Modern Environment. (The Ob-Ugrian Eexperience)<br /> Anzori Barkalaja, The Influence of Environment on the Identity of Pim River Khanties<br /> Tatyana Minniyakhmetova, Religion as a Factor in Preserving a Nation's Self-Consciousness (Using the Udmurt Example)<br /> Gábor Wilhelm, The Ainu in Japan: Ethnic Identity and Cultural Definitions<br /> The Northern Review. A Multidisciplinary Journal of the Arts and Social Sciences of the North. Yukon College, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr12.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 12</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 12. Latest Reports on Ethnology</strong><br /> Tartu 2001. 120 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Svetlana Karm, Religious Beliefs of Udmurts at the End of the 19th - Beginning of the 20th Centuries. Based on the Texts by Bernát Munkácsi<br /> Liivo Niglas, About the Identity of the Yamal Nenets<br /> Laur Vallikivi, Adaptation to the Other: Jamb-to Nenets in the 20th Century<br /> Indrek Jääts, Komi Nationalism and Orthodox Christianity in the 19th and early 20th Centuries<br /> Monika Rauba, Changed Rural Society - Changed Lifestyle? The Example of Võru County, Estonia<br /> Pille Runnel, About the Ways of Becoming Visible on the Internet: Home Pages</p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 13. Ethics in Cultural Studies</strong><br /> Tartu 2002. 142 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Alexandra Bobretsova. Special Ethical Code of the Researcher-Propagator: "Emotional Contact" and "Impassive Observation"<br /> Marika Mikkor, Free Lunches, or Why I Do not Want to Go to the Caucasus Any More<br /> Johanna Latvala, Reflexivity and Some Ethical Problems in Studying Middle Class Women in Kenya<br /> Tatyana Boulgakova, Hermeneutic Temptation of Shamanistic Research<br /> Alexander Chuvyurov, To the Problem of Verification of the Materials of Ethnographical and Folkloristic Research (on the Basis of Research Materials on Komi Priestless Old Believers)<br /> Irena Regina Merkiene, Between Copyright and Privacy: The Experience of Ethnographic Researcch Ethics in the 20th Century Lithuania<br /> Pauliina Latvala, Ethical Issues in the Research on Written Life History Material<br /> Pille Runnel, Ethics and Ethnographicity in the Estonian Documentaries of the 1990s</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/14.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 14</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 14. Whose Culture?</strong><br /> Tartu 2002. 136 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Anu Kannike, Home – Mosaic of Meanings<br /> Maris Leponiemi, “You Forget about Tartu, if You Don’t Go there.” About the Use of City Space by Retired People in Tartu.<br /> Terje Anepaio, Reception of the Topic of Repressions in the Estonian Society.<br /> Pille Runnel, Articulating Ethnic Identity in the Setu Media<br /> Riina Reinvelt, Integration, Multinational Estonia and Estonian-Language Press. Soviet-Time Immigrants in Newspaper Edasi/Postimees in 1988–2000<br /> Jaanus Plaat, Christian and Non-Christian Religiosity in Estonia in the 1990s: Comparison of Estonians and Other Ethnic Groups</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/15.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 15</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 15. Multiethnic Communities in the Past and Present</strong><br /> Tartu 2003. 220 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Saulvedis Cimermanis, The Livs of Svetciems Pagasts in the Late 18th and 19th Century<br /> Anu Korb, Virulased, a Multiethnic and Multicultural Community in Ryzhkovo Village, West-Siberia<br /> Marjut Anttonen, The Politization of the Concepts of Culture and Ethnicity: an Example from Nothern Norway<br /> Pihla Vuorinen, Family in Transition: Transnational Family Ties and Identity Negotiations<br /> Eva Toulouze, The Forest Nenets as a Double Language Minority<br /> Laur Vallikivi, Minority and Mission: Christianisation of the European Nenets<br /> Tatyana Boulgakova, Nanai Shamans under Double Oppression. Was the Persecution by Soviet Power Stronger than the Power of Shamanistic Spirits?<br /> Lyubov Sazhina, Gathering the Female Body in Komi Everyday Life and Rituals<br /> Alexander Chuvyurov, Olga Smirnova, Confessional Factor in the Ethno-Cultural Processes of the Upper-Vychegda Komi<br /> Ilze Boldane, Latvians’ Ethnic Stereotypes Regarding the Ethnic and Cultural Minorities of Latvia<br /> Marju Kõivupuu, On the Identity of the Members of the Võru Society in Tallinn</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/16.pdf">Pro Ethnologia 16</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 16. Studies on Socialist and Post-socialist Everyday Life</strong><br /> Tartu 2003. 146 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Baiba Bela-Krumina, Relationship between Personal and Social: Strategies of Everyday Life in the Process of Radical Social Changes<br /> Reet Ruusmann, The Establishment of Collective Farms and Their Early Years as an Image of History in the Estonians' Life Stories<br /> Liis Palumets, Space of Lifestyles in Estonia in 1991. Society with Soviet Heritage, in the Light of Bourdieu's Theory<br /> Kirsti Jõesalu, What People Tell about Their Working Life in the ESSR, and How Do They Do It? Source-Centred Study of a Civil Servant's Career Biography<br /> Thomas Rakowski, Sacrifice and Hope. Contemporary Ghosts of Modernisation<br /> Aida Hachaturyan-Kisilenko, An Attempt to Describe Life in a Soviet Military Garrison, through Biographical Material<br /> Pille Runnel, Europe as a Measure of Change: Soviet-Time Values and the Construction of Estonia's Post-Communist Turn to Europe<br /> Joanna Bar, To Understand Poland<br /> Ene Kõresaar, Conference in Tartu, Regarding Everyday Life during Socialist Time</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/17.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 17</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 17. Perceptions of Worldviews</strong><br /> Tartu 2004. 196 lk<br /> ISBN 9949-417-00-7<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Andreas Kalkun, The World of Seto Female Autobiographers<br /> Madis Arukask, The 20th Century in the Setu Kalevala-metric Tradition and Anne Vabarna's Address-Songs as the Marks of Changes in the Overall Genre System<br /> Svetlana Karm, Transition Rituals in the Life of an Udmurt Girl/Maiden/Woman in the Late 19th to 20th Centuries<br /> Radvile Racenaite, Perceptions of Death in Lithuanian Traditional Culture<br /> Laima Anglickiene, The Image of People of Other Regions in the Lithuanian Folklore<br /> Liivo Niglas & Eva Toulouze, Yuri Vella's Worldview as a Tool for Survival: What Filming Reveals<br /> Tatiana Bulgakova, Sacrifice or Robbery? One Event on the Light of Different Worldviews<br /> Irina Kotyleva, The Role of Soviet Ideology in the Transformation of Komi Traditional Holiday Culture in the 1920s<br /> Taisto Raudalainen, The Religious Practice of Mirskoye Obmiraniye: The Motifs of Old Slavonic Apocrypha Reflected in Ingrian Folk Narratives<br /> Jürgen Beyer, Whom Should One Thank to the Narrow Escape? Lessons Drawn from a Perilous Journey from Vormsi and Noarootsi to Finland in 1796</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/18.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 18</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 18. Culture and Environments</strong><br /> Tartu 2004. 130 lk<br /> ISBN 9949-417-02-3<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Tomasz Rakowski, The Gift, the Taiga, the Shaman's Ritual. A Tribute to the Ethnography of the Tsaatans<br /> Helena Ruotsala, In the Reindeer Forest and on the Tundra. Modern Reindeer Management and the Meaning of Local Ecological Knowledge,<br /> Kadri Semm & Hannes Palang, Life-ways in the Setu Cultural Landscape<br /> Alexander Chuvyurov, Trees in Komi (Zyrian) Rituals and Beliefs<br /> Valeria B. Kolosova, Ivan-da-marja<br /> Aivar Jürgenson, On the Formation of the Estonians' Concepts of Homeland and Home Place<br /> Kristel Rattus & Liisi Jääts, As in the Old Days: Aspects Regarding the Ways of Using Tradition(ality) in Today's Estonia</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/19.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 19</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 19. The Russian Speaking Minorities in Estonia and Latvia</strong><br /> Tartu 2005, 108 lk<br /> ISBN 9949-417-06-6, ISSN 1406-9962 (printed), ISSN 1406-5797 (online)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Jaanus Plaat, The Identity and Demographic Situation of Russian Old Believers in Estonia. (With Regard to the Period of the 18th to the Early 21st Century)<br /> Irena Saleniece, Latvian 20th Century History from the Perspective of Oral History Sources. The Views of Russians from Eastern Latvia<br /> Olaf Mertelsmann, How the Russians Turned into the Image of the "National Enemy" of the Estonians<br /> Triin Vihalemm, The Strategies of Identity Re-construction in Post-Soviet Estonia<br /> Riina Reinvelt, Do We Understand Them? Experience of Estonian-speaking Students from Fieldwork in Narva<br /> Anu Kannike, Work as the Focus of Socialist Everyday Life - Slogans and Reality</p>
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<p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr1.pdf" target="_blank">Pro Ethnologia nr 1</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 1. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi 35. teaduskonverentsi materjale. Papers of the 35th Scientific Conference of Estonian National Museum</strong><br /> Tartu 1993. 93 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-9962</p> <p>Henn Heinsoo, Eesti tänapäevakultuuri visuaalse dokumenteerimise kavast / On the Project of Visual Documentation of Modern Estonian Culture<br /> Anu Järs, Mõningaid mõtteid "naiseröövist" Eestis / Some Thougths about Abduction in Estonia<br /> Tõnis Lukas, Tartu toomhärrade päritolu / Social Origin of Tartu Canons<br /> Mare Piho, Hõbeehted setu pulmakombestikus / Silver Ornaments in Setu Nuptial Rites<br /> Jaanus Plaat, Vormsi usuliikumised 1870. aastatest kuni eestirootslaste väljarändamiseni / Religious Movements in Vormsi from the 1870 to Emigration of Estonian Swedes during World War II<br /> Heiki Pärdi, Muuseumiese etnoloogia uurimisallikana / Museum Object as a Source in Etnological Research<br /> Vaike Reemann, Raudteeklubist Eesti Rahva Muuseumi Näitusemajaks (püsinäituse üldkava põhimõtted) / A Club for Railway Workers is Turned into an Exhibition House for the Estonian National Museum<br /> Edgar Saar, Hantide traditsioonilised elamud kaasajal / The Traditional Dwelling Houses of Khants Nowadays<br /> Heno Sarv, N. Vene rahvusautonoomiad ja soomeugri rahvaste areng / The National Autonomies of the Soviet Russia and the Development of Finno-Ugric Peoples<br /> Toivo Sikka, Eesti Rahva Muuseum 1992. aastal / The Estonian National Museum in 1992<br /> Ellen Värv, Rõivastuse uurimine / Research into Clothing<br /> Piret Õunapuu, Eesti tradiooniliste istmete arengulugu. Kiiktool / The History of the Development of Estonian Traditional Seats. The Rocking-Chair</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/pe2.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 2</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 2. Etnoloogia ja muuseumid. Ethnology and Museums</strong><br /> Tartu 1994. 114 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-9962</p> <p>Anu Kannike, "Rahvuslik" rahvakultuur / "National" Folk Culture<br /> Heiki Pärdi, Eesti Rahva Muuseum - "eesti rahva sümbol" ja muuseum / Estonian National Museum - a Symbol of Estonian People and a Museum<br /> Ulla Johansen, Etnoloogiamuuseum ja selle külastaja Saksamaal / Das Völkerkunde-Museum und seine Besucher in Deutschland<br /> Barbro Bursell, Nordiska Museet ja etnoloogiline uurimistöö / The Nordiska Museet and its Ethnological Research<br /> Helgi Põllo, Üksinda etnograafina saarel / The Ethnologist alone on the Island</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr3.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 3</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 3. Allikad ja uurimused. Sources and Research</strong><br /> Tartu 1995. 215 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Art Leete, Kirja tekke antropoloogilisi aspekte / Some anthreoplogical aspects of the origin of writing.<br /> Ene Kõresaar, Küsitlusleht allika kujundajana. / Questionnaire as a moulder of ethnograpphical source. (page 36)<br /> Anu Kannike, Pilt kui argikultuuri allikas. / Picture as a source of everyday culture.<br /> Heiki Pärdi, Eesti etnoloogide aukartus elu ees. Välitööpäevikud kultuuriuurimise allikana. / Estonian ethnologists' awe of life.<br /> Aado Lintrop, Suuline pärimus uskumuse kujundajana / The infuluence of oral tradition on the formation of beliefs.<br /> Tiiu Jaago, Suulise traditsiooni eripära vaimses kultuuris. Perepärimuse põhjal / Peculiarities of oral tradition in intellectual culture.<br /> Anu Järs, "Selge meele ja targa mõistusega". Talupojatestamendid etnoloogi pilgu läbi. / "With clear mind and sound reasoning".<br /> Inna Põltsam, Skraa kui kultuuriajaloo allikas. / Charter as a source of cultural history.<br /> Aadu Must, Nimi ajalooallikana / Surname as a historical source.<br /> Uued uurimisprojektid:<br /> Anu Järs, Anu Kannike, Heiki Pärdi, Kodu kui kultuuritegur 20. sajandi Eestis / Home as a cultural factor in 20th -century Estonia.</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr4.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 4</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 4. How to Make Ethnologists</strong><br /> Tartu 1996. 102 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Elle Vunder, Ethnography at the University of Tartu in Historical Perspective<br /> Jaanus Plaat, Strategies of Teaching Ethnology at the Department of Ethnology, University of Tartu<br /> Toomas Gross, Teaching Anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences: Reflexions and Perspectives<br /> Ph. lic. Timo J. Virtanen, The Other, Near and Far<br /> Bjarne Rogan, Material Culture, Meaning and Interpretation in Nordic Ethnological Research<br /> Per-Markku Ristilammi, Alterity in Modern Sweden<br /> Finnur Magnsson, Narratives of Modern Dying. Looking for Authentic Death<br /> Slade Carter, Narratives of Estonian Nationalism</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr5.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 5</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 5. Arctic Studies 1</strong><br /> Tartu 1997. 81 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Liivo Niglas, Reindeer In The Nenets Worldview<br /> Art Leete, Sacrificial Ceremony At Lake Num-To<br /> Anzori Barkalaja, On The Sacrificial Ritual Of The Pim River Khanty In December 1995<br /> Olga Fishman, Russian Ethnographical Museum And Baltic Finns<br /> Art Leete, Extended Forum Of Anthropology And Ethnography In Bashkiria<br /> Liivo Niglas, Art Leete, Examining Cultural Changes In Western Siberia</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr6.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 6</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 6. Procedural Work on Artefacts</strong><br /> Tartu 1998. 96 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Rūta Guzeviciūte, Costumes through Centuries: A Source of Historical Insights<br /> Laura Piškinaite-Kazlauskiene, Beekeeper’s Spiritual World in Museum Objects<br /> Vaike Reemann, Permanent Exhibition and Artefacts<br /> Ene Kõresaar, Vital Things: Objects in Life Histories, Life Histories in Objects<br /> Art Leete, Komi Objects at the Estonian National Museum<br /> Heno Sarv, The Material Culture and History of the East-European Taiga Peoples<br /> Ene Kõresaar, New Old Themes. Masculine. Feminine. The Meaning of Gender Category in Culture<br /> Terje Anepaio, Soome etnoloogid identiteeti otsimas<br /> Elle Vunder, Terje Anepaio, Ene Kõresaar, Research Project Memory as a Cultural Factor in the Biographical Narratives of the Estonians</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr7.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 7</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 7. Arctic Studies 2</strong><br /> Tartu 1999. 90 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Liivo Niglas, The Yamal Nenets in a Changing World<br /> Art Leete, Ethnopolitical Comments About the Sacrificial Ceremony At Lake Num-To<br /> Heno Sarv, Expedition Diary. Khanty-Mansiysk-Yuilsk-Beryozovo (Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug) 2nd - 17th August 1975<br /> Eva Toulouze, The Development of a Written Culture by the Indigenous Peoples of Western Siberia<br /> Art Leete, Cultural Identity of Arctic Peoples</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr8.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 8</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 8. Arctic Studies 3</strong><br /> Tartu 1999. 78 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Mihaly Hoppal, Shamanism at the Turn of the Millennium<br /> Kirill Istomin, Kolva Volost and Kolva Ethnographic Group as an Example of Transition from Nomadic to Settled Way of Life. An Attempt of Analysis<br /> Art Leete, An Outline of Descriptions of Ob-Ugrians and Samoyeds in West-European and Russian Sources from the 11th through the 17th Centuries.<br /> Anzori Barkalaja, On the Sacrificial Rituals of the Pim River Khanties: Part Two<br /> Art Leete, The Continuity which Persists: The Finno-Ugric Belief</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr9.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 9</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 9. On Rural and Urban Areas</strong><br /> Tartu 2000. 137 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Gįbor Wilhelm, Living in a Flat: A House in Europe and Budapest<br /> Marika Mikkor, About the Study of Birth Customs in Towns and in the Country<br /> Mare Piho, Setu Silver Decorative Jewellery in the Context of Town Culture<br /> Heiki Pärdi, The Crumbling of the Peasant Time Concept in Estonia<br /> Art Leete, Dramatic Urban Experience of the Khanties. An Interview with Tatyana Moldanova<br /> Heno Sarv, Town and Country among Finno-Ugrians<br /> Stefan Bohman, The People's Story. On the Collection and Analyses of Autobiographical Materials<br /> Ilmari Vesterinen. Dependenssianalyysi ja sääntöanalyysi kylätutkimuksen työvälineinä / Dependency Analysis and Rule Analysis as Tools for the Study of Village Culture</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/pe10.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 10</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 10. Cultural Identity of Arctic Peoples. Arctic Studies 4</strong><br /> Tartu 2000. 122 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Eva Toulouze, Adaptational Models of Intellectuals among Northern Peoples<br /> Kjell Olsen, Ethnic Symbols and Everyday Life. Language in Finnmark, Northern Norway<br /> Helena Ruotsala, Ethnic Mobilisation among Reindeer Herders in Finnish Lapland during the 1990s<br /> Jukka Pennanen, The Role of Women in Subsistence and Ethnic Identity in the Kultima Sámi Society in Lapland<br /> Kirill Istomin, Living in Chum. Social Relations and Personal Behavioural Strategies among Komi Reindeer Herders<br /> Vladimir Lipin, Art Leete, Komi Hunter Ethics at the End of the 20th Century<br /> Liivo Niglas, Reindeer as the Moulder of the Ethnic Identity of the Yamal Nenets<br /> Marjut Huuskonen, Arctic Descriptions of the Wind. An Example of the Relation of Man and Natural Forces in the Northern Sámi Oral History</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr11.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 11</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 11. Cultural Identity of Arctic Peoples. Arctic Studies 5</strong><br /> Tartu 2001. 114 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Tatyana Bulgakova, Shaman on the Stage, (Shamanism and Northern Identity)<br /> Tatyana Sem, The Nanai National Mentality and World Model<br /> Irina Karapetova, Karina Solovyova, Yavun-iki, the Master of Yugan as the Cultural Symbol of Yugan Khanties<br /> Yelena Pivneva, The Re-establishment of Ob-Ugrian "Traditional Family Lands". Back to the Past or a Step towards the Future?<br /> Yelena Martynova, Reindeer Herding as a Possibility for Maintaining Ethnic Traditions in the Modern Environment. (The Ob-Ugrian Eexperience)<br /> Anzori Barkalaja, The Influence of Environment on the Identity of Pim River Khanties<br /> Tatyana Minniyakhmetova, Religion as a Factor in Preserving a Nation's Self-Consciousness (Using the Udmurt Example)<br /> Gábor Wilhelm, The Ainu in Japan: Ethnic Identity and Cultural Definitions<br /> The Northern Review. A Multidisciplinary Journal of the Arts and Social Sciences of the North. Yukon College, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/penr12.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 12</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 12. Latest Reports on Ethnology</strong><br /> Tartu 2001. 120 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Svetlana Karm, Religious Beliefs of Udmurts at the End of the 19th - Beginning of the 20th Centuries. Based on the Texts by Bernát Munkácsi<br /> Liivo Niglas, About the Identity of the Yamal Nenets<br /> Laur Vallikivi, Adaptation to the Other: Jamb-to Nenets in the 20th Century<br /> Indrek Jääts, Komi Nationalism and Orthodox Christianity in the 19th and early 20th Centuries<br /> Monika Rauba, Changed Rural Society - Changed Lifestyle? The Example of Võru County, Estonia<br /> Pille Runnel, About the Ways of Becoming Visible on the Internet: Home Pages</p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 13. Ethics in Cultural Studies</strong><br /> Tartu 2002. 142 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Alexandra Bobretsova. Special Ethical Code of the Researcher-Propagator: "Emotional Contact" and "Impassive Observation"<br /> Marika Mikkor, Free Lunches, or Why I Do not Want to Go to the Caucasus Any More<br /> Johanna Latvala, Reflexivity and Some Ethical Problems in Studying Middle Class Women in Kenya<br /> Tatyana Boulgakova, Hermeneutic Temptation of Shamanistic Research<br /> Alexander Chuvyurov, To the Problem of Verification of the Materials of Ethnographical and Folkloristic Research (on the Basis of Research Materials on Komi Priestless Old Believers)<br /> Irena Regina Merkiene, Between Copyright and Privacy: The Experience of Ethnographic Researcch Ethics in the 20th Century Lithuania<br /> Pauliina Latvala, Ethical Issues in the Research on Written Life History Material<br /> Pille Runnel, Ethics and Ethnographicity in the Estonian Documentaries of the 1990s</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/14.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 14</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 14. Whose Culture?</strong><br /> Tartu 2002. 136 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Anu Kannike, Home – Mosaic of Meanings<br /> Maris Leponiemi, “You Forget about Tartu, if You Don’t Go there.” About the Use of City Space by Retired People in Tartu.<br /> Terje Anepaio, Reception of the Topic of Repressions in the Estonian Society.<br /> Pille Runnel, Articulating Ethnic Identity in the Setu Media<br /> Riina Reinvelt, Integration, Multinational Estonia and Estonian-Language Press. Soviet-Time Immigrants in Newspaper Edasi/Postimees in 1988–2000<br /> Jaanus Plaat, Christian and Non-Christian Religiosity in Estonia in the 1990s: Comparison of Estonians and Other Ethnic Groups</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/15.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 15</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 15. Multiethnic Communities in the Past and Present</strong><br /> Tartu 2003. 220 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Saulvedis Cimermanis, The Livs of Svetciems Pagasts in the Late 18th and 19th Century<br /> Anu Korb, Virulased, a Multiethnic and Multicultural Community in Ryzhkovo Village, West-Siberia<br /> Marjut Anttonen, The Politization of the Concepts of Culture and Ethnicity: an Example from Nothern Norway<br /> Pihla Vuorinen, Family in Transition: Transnational Family Ties and Identity Negotiations<br /> Eva Toulouze, The Forest Nenets as a Double Language Minority<br /> Laur Vallikivi, Minority and Mission: Christianisation of the European Nenets<br /> Tatyana Boulgakova, Nanai Shamans under Double Oppression. Was the Persecution by Soviet Power Stronger than the Power of Shamanistic Spirits?<br /> Lyubov Sazhina, Gathering the Female Body in Komi Everyday Life and Rituals<br /> Alexander Chuvyurov, Olga Smirnova, Confessional Factor in the Ethno-Cultural Processes of the Upper-Vychegda Komi<br /> Ilze Boldane, Latvians’ Ethnic Stereotypes Regarding the Ethnic and Cultural Minorities of Latvia<br /> Marju Kõivupuu, On the Identity of the Members of the Võru Society in Tallinn</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/16.pdf">Pro Ethnologia 16</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 16. Studies on Socialist and Post-socialist Everyday Life</strong><br /> Tartu 2003. 146 lk<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Baiba Bela-Krumina, Relationship between Personal and Social: Strategies of Everyday Life in the Process of Radical Social Changes<br /> Reet Ruusmann, The Establishment of Collective Farms and Their Early Years as an Image of History in the Estonians' Life Stories<br /> Liis Palumets, Space of Lifestyles in Estonia in 1991. Society with Soviet Heritage, in the Light of Bourdieu's Theory<br /> Kirsti Jõesalu, What People Tell about Their Working Life in the ESSR, and How Do They Do It? Source-Centred Study of a Civil Servant's Career Biography<br /> Thomas Rakowski, Sacrifice and Hope. Contemporary Ghosts of Modernisation<br /> Aida Hachaturyan-Kisilenko, An Attempt to Describe Life in a Soviet Military Garrison, through Biographical Material<br /> Pille Runnel, Europe as a Measure of Change: Soviet-Time Values and the Construction of Estonia's Post-Communist Turn to Europe<br /> Joanna Bar, To Understand Poland<br /> Ene Kõresaar, Conference in Tartu, Regarding Everyday Life during Socialist Time</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/17.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 17</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 17. Perceptions of Worldviews</strong><br /> Tartu 2004. 196 lk<br /> ISBN 9949-417-00-7<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Andreas Kalkun, The World of Seto Female Autobiographers<br /> Madis Arukask, The 20th Century in the Setu Kalevala-metric Tradition and Anne Vabarna's Address-Songs as the Marks of Changes in the Overall Genre System<br /> Svetlana Karm, Transition Rituals in the Life of an Udmurt Girl/Maiden/Woman in the Late 19th to 20th Centuries<br /> Radvile Racenaite, Perceptions of Death in Lithuanian Traditional Culture<br /> Laima Anglickiene, The Image of People of Other Regions in the Lithuanian Folklore<br /> Liivo Niglas & Eva Toulouze, Yuri Vella's Worldview as a Tool for Survival: What Filming Reveals<br /> Tatiana Bulgakova, Sacrifice or Robbery? One Event on the Light of Different Worldviews<br /> Irina Kotyleva, The Role of Soviet Ideology in the Transformation of Komi Traditional Holiday Culture in the 1920s<br /> Taisto Raudalainen, The Religious Practice of Mirskoye Obmiraniye: The Motifs of Old Slavonic Apocrypha Reflected in Ingrian Folk Narratives<br /> Jürgen Beyer, Whom Should One Thank to the Narrow Escape? Lessons Drawn from a Perilous Journey from Vormsi and Noarootsi to Finland in 1796</p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/18.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 18</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 18. Culture and Environments</strong><br /> Tartu 2004. 130 lk<br /> ISBN 9949-417-02-3<br /> ISSN 1406-5797 (online), ISSN 1406-9962 (printed)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Tomasz Rakowski, The Gift, the Taiga, the Shaman's Ritual. A Tribute to the Ethnography of the Tsaatans<br /> Helena Ruotsala, In the Reindeer Forest and on the Tundra. Modern Reindeer Management and the Meaning of Local Ecological Knowledge,<br /> Kadri Semm & Hannes Palang, Life-ways in the Setu Cultural Landscape<br /> Alexander Chuvyurov, Trees in Komi (Zyrian) Rituals and Beliefs<br /> Valeria B. Kolosova, Ivan-da-marja<br /> Aivar Jürgenson, On the Formation of the Estonians' Concepts of Homeland and Home Place<br /> Kristel Rattus & Liisi Jääts, As in the Old Days: Aspects Regarding the Ways of Using Tradition(ality) in Today's Estonia</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.erm.ee/sites/default/files/19.pdf">Pro Ethnologia nr 19</a></p> <p><strong>Pro Ethnologia 19. The Russian Speaking Minorities in Estonia and Latvia</strong><br /> Tartu 2005, 108 lk<br /> ISBN 9949-417-06-6, ISSN 1406-9962 (printed), ISSN 1406-5797 (online)</p> <p>Editorial<br /> Jaanus Plaat, The Identity and Demographic Situation of Russian Old Believers in Estonia. (With Regard to the Period of the 18th to the Early 21st Century)<br /> Irena Saleniece, Latvian 20th Century History from the Perspective of Oral History Sources. The Views of Russians from Eastern Latvia<br /> Olaf Mertelsmann, How the Russians Turned into the Image of the "National Enemy" of the Estonians<br /> Triin Vihalemm, The Strategies of Identity Re-construction in Post-Soviet Estonia<br /> Riina Reinvelt, Do We Understand Them? Experience of Estonian-speaking Students from Fieldwork in Narva<br /> Anu Kannike, Work as the Focus of Socialist Everyday Life - Slogans and Reality</p>
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