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value (String, 2126 characters ) <div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „...
<div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „Nägus noorus“ jutustab tudengitest läbi rahvusülikooli saja aasta. Uudishimu, avatus ja mõtteerksus vormib üliõpilasest kauni inimese. Nii oli see sada aastat tagasi ja on nüüdki.<br /> <br /> Piltidelt vaatavad meile vastu rõõmsad ja tegusad inimesed, kellest igaüks on jätnud jälje ülikooli kujunemislukku ja vastutasuks saanud eluteele kaasa annuse tarkust. Näitust koostama hakates esitasime endile küsimuse: kas on olemas ühte kindlat tudengi nägu? Vastuseks saime: on küll, see on nägusa nooruse nägu!<br /> <br /> Näituse meeskond: TÜ muuseumi projektijuht Külli Lupkin, ERM-i kujundaja Merike Tamm, ERM-i näituste juht Kristjan Raba.<br /> <br /> Näitus jääb avatuks 2. veebruarini 2020.<br /> <br /> Foto: Rahvusarhiiv<br /> <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth”<br /> <br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth” portrays students of the national university throughout the century. Curiosity, openness and incisiveness makes anyone look beautiful. This has remained true throughout the past 100 years.<br /> In the photos at the exhibition we see happy and active students, each of whom has left their mark in the story of the university’s development and, in return, received some wisdom to take along on their life’s journey.<br /> When preparing for this exposition, we considered whether there was a so-called average face of a student. And we thought—yes, it is the face of beautiful youth.<br /> <br /> Exhibition team: Külli Lupkin, project manager at the University of Tartu Museum, Merike Tamm, designer at the Estonian National Museum, and Kristjan Raba, head of exhibitions at the Estonian National Museum.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is open until 2 February 2020.<br /> <br /> Photo: National Archives of Estonia<br /> <br /> </div>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 2102 characters ) <div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „...
<div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „Nägus noorus“ jutustab tudengitest läbi rahvusülikooli saja aasta. Uudishimu, avatus ja mõtteerksus vormib üliõpilasest kauni inimese. Nii oli see sada aastat tagasi ja on nüüdki.<br /> <br /> Piltidelt vaatavad meile vastu rõõmsad ja tegusad inimesed, kellest igaüks on jätnud jälje ülikooli kujunemislukku ja vastutasuks saanud eluteele kaasa annuse tarkust. Näitust koostama hakates esitasime endile küsimuse: kas on olemas ühte kindlat tudengi nägu? Vastuseks saime: on küll, see on nägusa nooruse nägu!<br /> <br /> Näituse meeskond: TÜ muuseumi projektijuht Külli Lupkin, ERM-i kujundaja Merike Tamm, ERM-i näituste juht Kristjan Raba.<br /> <br /> Näitus jääb avatuks 2. veebruarini 2020.<br /> <br /> Foto: Rahvusarhiiv<br /> <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth”<br /> <br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth” portrays students of the national university throughout the century. Curiosity, openness and incisiveness makes anyone look beautiful. This has remained true throughout the past 100 years.<br /> In the photos at the exhibition we see happy and active students, each of whom has left their mark in the story of the university’s development and, in return, received some wisdom to take along on their life’s journey.<br /> When preparing for this exposition, we considered whether there was a so-called average face of a student. And we thought—yes, it is the face of beautiful youth.<br /> <br /> Exhibition team: Külli Lupkin, project manager at the University of Tartu Museum, Merike Tamm, designer at the Estonian National Museum, and Kristjan Raba, head of exhibitions at the Estonian National Museum.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is open until 2 February 2020.<br /> <br /> Photo: National Archives of Estonia<br /> <br /> </div>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
field_image (Array, 1 element)
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uuid (String, 36 characters ) 0c24785f-5e6a-4509-b255-43dbe1414047
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uid (String, 5 characters ) 11198
filename (String, 17 characters ) nn_tunnusfoto.jpg
uri (String, 26 characters ) public://nn_tunnusfoto.jpg
filemime (String, 10 characters ) image/jpeg
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status (String, 1 characters ) 1
timestamp (String, 10 characters ) 1573719624
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data (String, 250 characters ) a:7:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"cked...
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0 (Array, 5 elements)
value (String, 2126 characters ) <div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „...
<div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „Nägus noorus“ jutustab tudengitest läbi rahvusülikooli saja aasta. Uudishimu, avatus ja mõtteerksus vormib üliõpilasest kauni inimese. Nii oli see sada aastat tagasi ja on nüüdki.<br /> <br /> Piltidelt vaatavad meile vastu rõõmsad ja tegusad inimesed, kellest igaüks on jätnud jälje ülikooli kujunemislukku ja vastutasuks saanud eluteele kaasa annuse tarkust. Näitust koostama hakates esitasime endile küsimuse: kas on olemas ühte kindlat tudengi nägu? Vastuseks saime: on küll, see on nägusa nooruse nägu!<br /> <br /> Näituse meeskond: TÜ muuseumi projektijuht Külli Lupkin, ERM-i kujundaja Merike Tamm, ERM-i näituste juht Kristjan Raba.<br /> <br /> Näitus jääb avatuks 2. veebruarini 2020.<br /> <br /> Foto: Rahvusarhiiv<br /> <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth”<br /> <br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth” portrays students of the national university throughout the century. Curiosity, openness and incisiveness makes anyone look beautiful. This has remained true throughout the past 100 years.<br /> In the photos at the exhibition we see happy and active students, each of whom has left their mark in the story of the university’s development and, in return, received some wisdom to take along on their life’s journey.<br /> When preparing for this exposition, we considered whether there was a so-called average face of a student. And we thought—yes, it is the face of beautiful youth.<br /> <br /> Exhibition team: Külli Lupkin, project manager at the University of Tartu Museum, Merike Tamm, designer at the Estonian National Museum, and Kristjan Raba, head of exhibitions at the Estonian National Museum.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is open until 2 February 2020.<br /> <br /> Photo: National Archives of Estonia<br /> <br /> </div>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 2102 characters ) <div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „...
<div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „Nägus noorus“ jutustab tudengitest läbi rahvusülikooli saja aasta. Uudishimu, avatus ja mõtteerksus vormib üliõpilasest kauni inimese. Nii oli see sada aastat tagasi ja on nüüdki.<br /> <br /> Piltidelt vaatavad meile vastu rõõmsad ja tegusad inimesed, kellest igaüks on jätnud jälje ülikooli kujunemislukku ja vastutasuks saanud eluteele kaasa annuse tarkust. Näitust koostama hakates esitasime endile küsimuse: kas on olemas ühte kindlat tudengi nägu? Vastuseks saime: on küll, see on nägusa nooruse nägu!<br /> <br /> Näituse meeskond: TÜ muuseumi projektijuht Külli Lupkin, ERM-i kujundaja Merike Tamm, ERM-i näituste juht Kristjan Raba.<br /> <br /> Näitus jääb avatuks 2. veebruarini 2020.<br /> <br /> Foto: Rahvusarhiiv<br /> <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth”<br /> <br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth” portrays students of the national university throughout the century. Curiosity, openness and incisiveness makes anyone look beautiful. This has remained true throughout the past 100 years.<br /> In the photos at the exhibition we see happy and active students, each of whom has left their mark in the story of the university’s development and, in return, received some wisdom to take along on their life’s journey.<br /> When preparing for this exposition, we considered whether there was a so-called average face of a student. And we thought—yes, it is the face of beautiful youth.<br /> <br /> Exhibition team: Külli Lupkin, project manager at the University of Tartu Museum, Merike Tamm, designer at the Estonian National Museum, and Kristjan Raba, head of exhibitions at the Estonian National Museum.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is open until 2 February 2020.<br /> <br /> Photo: National Archives of Estonia<br /> <br /> </div>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 2102 characters ) <div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „...
<div class="rtejustify">Fotonäitus „Nägus noorus“ jutustab tudengitest läbi rahvusülikooli saja aasta. Uudishimu, avatus ja mõtteerksus vormib üliõpilasest kauni inimese. Nii oli see sada aastat tagasi ja on nüüdki.<br /> <br /> Piltidelt vaatavad meile vastu rõõmsad ja tegusad inimesed, kellest igaüks on jätnud jälje ülikooli kujunemislukku ja vastutasuks saanud eluteele kaasa annuse tarkust. Näitust koostama hakates esitasime endile küsimuse: kas on olemas ühte kindlat tudengi nägu? Vastuseks saime: on küll, see on nägusa nooruse nägu!<br /> <br /> Näituse meeskond: TÜ muuseumi projektijuht Külli Lupkin, ERM-i kujundaja Merike Tamm, ERM-i näituste juht Kristjan Raba.<br /> <br /> Näitus jääb avatuks 2. veebruarini 2020.<br /> <br /> Foto: Rahvusarhiiv<br /> <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth”<br /> <br /> Photo exhibition “Beautiful Youth” portrays students of the national university throughout the century. Curiosity, openness and incisiveness makes anyone look beautiful. This has remained true throughout the past 100 years.<br /> In the photos at the exhibition we see happy and active students, each of whom has left their mark in the story of the university’s development and, in return, received some wisdom to take along on their life’s journey.<br /> When preparing for this exposition, we considered whether there was a so-called average face of a student. And we thought—yes, it is the face of beautiful youth.<br /> <br /> Exhibition team: Külli Lupkin, project manager at the University of Tartu Museum, Merike Tamm, designer at the Estonian National Museum, and Kristjan Raba, head of exhibitions at the Estonian National Museum.<br /> <br /> The exhibition is open until 2 February 2020.<br /> <br /> Photo: National Archives of Estonia<br /> <br /> </div>
field_image (Array, 16 elements)
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#groups (Array, 0 elements)
#fieldgroups (Array, 0 elements)
#group_children (Array, 0 elements)
links (Array, 4 elements)
#theme (String, 11 characters ) links__node
#pre_render (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 23 characters ) drupal_pre_render_links | (Callback) drupal_pre_render_links();
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
node (Array, 3 elements)
language (Array, 3 elements)
#view_mode (String, 4 characters ) full
#theme (String, 4 characters ) node
#node (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
#language (String, 2 characters ) et
Krumo version 0.2.1a
| http://krumo.sourceforge.net/data01/virt58850/domeenid/www.erm.ee/htdocs/includes/menu.inc
, line527
Krumo version 0.2.1a
| http://krumo.sourceforge.net/data01/virt58850/domeenid/www.erm.ee/htdocs/includes/menu.inc
, line527